What is this website for?

PX is an important area of research in video games because it allows video game developers to collect feedback from players that helps them to create more personalised experiences that suit the needs of their diverse audiences. Understanding the experiences of players can help developers create games for broader audiences with more inclusive design and removing barriers to entry for novice players. Finally, learning about PX is necessary to harness educational, therapeutic and social benefits of games for generating new scientific insights and motivate experimentation into human behaviour, preference and interaction within human-computer interaction, sociology, psychology, and social economics.

Questionnaires are a commonly used method to directly and quickly measure the reported experiences of players. Questionnaires allow for a standardised and scalable way of measuring PX on a grand scale. It also means that one can compare and contrast the results with other research.

This approach is, however, challenging for researchers new or external to the field because of the proliferation of available questionnaires (Nordin, A. I., Denisova, A., & Cairns, P. (2014). Too Many Questionnaires: Measuring Player Experience Whilst Playing Digital Games). Hence, researchers who wish to use a questionnaire are often faced with the problem of not knowing enough about the different questionnaires available and the suitability of each questionnaire for their research.

Presently, there is no single place to read about available questionnaires and to find a questionnaire that is suitable to one's needs. Moreover, there is no place to find clear instructions about what each questionnaire measures, what the differences between them are, how to effectively administer these questionnaires, and how to interpret the collected data.

This website was, therefore, created with an aim to provide a web repository that is accessible to anybody who might be interested in using these questionnaires in order to find this information and to select a questionnaire based on their needs. Having this repository should also assist the researchers who wish to create new tools for measuring specific experiences in checking if a tool with similar intentions already exists and making informed decisions with regards to the existing research gaps.

Questionnaire Repository

A list of player experience questionnaires, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to access them.


Definitions of the most commonly used terms in GUR and questionnaire design.

Questionnaire 101

Not sure where to start? Find out more about how to select an appropriate questionnaire for your research.